Crate argparse [] [src]


A simple argument parser, meant to parse command line input. It is inspired by the Python ArgumentParser

Simple class to parse arguments. The Highlights are: * A configurable add_opt method, to tell it what to look for. * A generic get method, which will return the argument you want with any type that implements FromStr. * The arguments are stored in maps, and so are accessed by the name you give them in the add_opt method. * The parse method can be called on an Iterator that produces &Strings. * There are no static or global variables so you can have as many parsers as you want. * The parser can take any values that implement FromStr or for which you can provide a closure to parse them from String * You can specify if any argument is required or not, as well as default values for all * It also prints a default help message, similar to the one Python's argparser prints

Example use:

extern crate argparse;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use argparse::{ArgParser, ArgType, hashmap_parser, vec_parser};
const LONG_STR: &'static str = r#"Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Chromium menu > Settings > Show advanced settings... > Change proxy settings... and make sure your configuration is set to "no proxy" or "direct.""#;
fn main() {
    let mut parser = ArgParser::new("argparse".into());
    parser.add_opt("length", None, 'l', true,
        LONG_STR, ArgType::Option);
    parser.add_opt("height", None, 'h', true,
        "Height of user in centimeters", ArgType::Option);
    parser.add_opt("name", None, 'n', true,
        "Name of user", ArgType::Option);
    parser.add_opt("frequencies", None, 'f', false,
        "User's favorite frequencies", ArgType::List);
    parser.add_opt("mao", Some("false"), 'm', false,
        "Is the User Chairman Mao?", ArgType::Flag);
    parser.add_opt("socks", None, 's', false,
        "If you wear socks that day", ArgType::Dict);
    let test_1 = "./go -l -60 -h -6001.45e-2 -n Johnny -m -f 1 2 3 4 5 -s Monday:true Friday:false".split_whitespace()
        .map(|s| s.into())
    let p_res = parser.parse(test_1.iter()).unwrap();
    let str_to_veci32 = |s: &str| {
        Some(s.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.parse().unwrap())
    assert!(p_res.get("length") == Some(-60));
    assert_eq!(p_res.get("height"), Some(-6001.45e-2));
    assert_eq!(p_res.get::<String>("name"), Some("Johnny".into()));
    assert_eq!(p_res.get_with("frequencies", str_to_veci32), 
    assert_eq!(p_res.get_with("frequencies", vec_parser), 
    assert_eq!(p_res.get("mao"), Some(true));
    let h = [("Monday", true), ("Friday", false)]
        .map(|&(k, v)| (k.into(), v))
    assert_eq!(p_res.get_with::<HashMap<String, bool>, _>("socks", hashmap_parser),


pub use argparser::{ArgParser, ArgParseResults, ParseResult, ArgType, ArgGetter, hashmap_parser, vec_parser};



This module defines and contains all the important argument parsing functionality. The requisite types and functions are re-exported at the top-level of the crate.


This module defines a Slide iterator over Vectors and slices